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March 19, 2010


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hartley goldstone

Good morning John A. It's very early morning on a snowy day in Denver. During this quiet time, I have treated myself to re-reading your collected Seedling posts from one end to the other. What an inspiring body of work you have amassed in such a short period of time. Yes, I had read many, if not all, the blog posts before. Usually on the run while catching up on other e-mails and generally managing the rhythms of a busy life. I gently urge our collaborators to set aside time to read and contemplate your gifts to us in a thoughtful manner. And share our responses. With gratitude- Hartley

John A Warnick

Thanks Hartley.  I will hope it will snow more often in Colorado if it produces this response.  I really would like you and anyone else who follows this blog to know how much I appreciate your support and interest.  I would love to see more comments as I firmly believe there is a lot of experiential wisdom out there among the readers of this blog which is waiting to be shared as a gift to our community.  John A

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